Belle is also still colicky, sigh. She cries a lot. In fact most people see her and tell me, "Kira, Belle is crying!" "Yes, she is" I answer, tell me something I don't know :) Even Luna goes around the house all the time, "baby crying, baby crying." She cries most of the time she is awake, and only doesn't cry when she sleeps. Dr. Deuber said colicky babies are calm only when they are held, but mine still cries when held. Poor thing! Luna was also colicky, not fair to have 2 girls with colic! So I have cut out dairy, practicing the overabundant breastmilk trick of feeding on one side only to cut out too much lactose, tried Mylanta, the 5 s's, and even the Windi. But she is getting a little bit better.
The good news is that she sleeps through the night!! Well, she goes 6 hours at night and we are happy with that! We are trying Babywise this time around and working hard on getting her to take naps more during the day so she doesn't get over tired and more fussy. I am not strict on it and if she is hungry I feed her, and don't wait until it's been 2 hours, etc. They say Babywise babies are the happiest and well adjusted babies so I hope it works for us!
Here are her stats:
Weight: 11.7 70%
Length: 23 in 75%
Head: 32 at 50%
Belle is such a joy and a cutie pie, but we can't wait until the 12 week mark when the fussies start to go away. I never thought I would rush my children to grow, but just this time, I want to flash forward just a bit :)