Belle's day consists of mostly eating, sleeping and being held. How has sleep been? Actually it hasn't been too terrible. She sleeps about 4 hours a night which is great for us. She doesn't like her swing as much as Luna did, but she loves the vibrating bouncy chair. She also has her big sister trying to help during the day :)
Belle also has taken a bottle well at week 3 and her paci! Yay! Breastfeeding has been going well, just a minor snag as I have an overabundant supply of milk that has caused what they call a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance. I've had to nurse on one side per feeding now so she gets both. She was getting all foremilk so she was more gassy and fussy but now that I have changed, it's a lot better. All I have to say that the swaddle is a miracle for us at this stage. Happiest Baby on the Block says it will be about week 12 before babies aren't as fussy and don't need the swaddle blanket as much.
With Luna, I read all the baby books and just kind of did my own thing with her, but she only slept well next to me and we moved her into her crib at month 6 and I did demand feeding with her too as it seemed to calm her the most. But this time, I want to have Belle sleep in her co-sleeper next to me so I can sleep better too. All the moms I used to nanny for used Baby Wise, so I think I am going to try that route. It says they sleep better and are overall happier and not as fussy. So far it seems to be working on its own, so we'll see.
Having 2 girls has been great and more than I could have imagined. Luna loves helping, giving her sister her paci to calm her down. Luna has adjusted pretty well so far, just a few moments of wanting her 'mommy hold me!' when she sees me holding Belle. The only hard part has been going out with the 2 of them at the same time (which has been just twice), but hoping it will get a little better once Belle is closer to 3 months and past the fussy baby stage- having 2 girls crying in the backseat = not so fun.
Belle is such a sweetie and I can't wait to watch my two girls grow up together!!