Here are her stats:
20 pounds
30 inches tall
She is still a red head and has the personality to go with it! She is feisty but always giggling. In fact, when she is feisty, she pulls, bites and tugs on her sister and laughs and thinks it's so funny, much different than Luna was. She also loves to climb and get into stuff she's not supposed to! It's cute but she is going to be trouble :)
As far as eating, still super picky, doesn't really eat many fruits or veggies and just eats yogurt, graham crackers, cheese, milk, sometimes beans and sometimes chicken. So I give her pureed baby food still and also bought this thing where you can make your own packets of baby food! I was tired of buying them all the time. I am also still nursing her 2-3 times a day, mostly just before naps, and bedtime and when she wakes up. She's had several ear infections and the doctors are suggesting tubes, so I am trying to keep up nursing as much as possible to help! She never has colds, or fevers, just this constant fluid that doesn't drain out of her ears so it turns into an infection. We've tried chiropractor care and it's helped some, but I need to start doing lymph node massage which is supposed to help drain her ears better.
She also is signing more and more for things which is so cute! She understands so much and nods her head yes or no for things. She can say bubble, baby, momma, dada, Belle, doggie, balloon, Coco, grandpa, Erika and paci and says book as she signs for book! Adorable!
I kept her home with me this year because it's my last year where I don't have to take her to school, and we enjoy our M, Wed, Fridays together as well as our Kindermusik class on Wednesdays.
Here are the many faces of Belle this month: